Alpha Chapter's Finances
Alpha's treasurer is Cathy Cleenput. If you have a question for her, use the form below.
Alpha Chapter Budget 2022-2023
Alpha Chapter Budget 2022-2023
Supporting Alpha's Mission
Income for Alpha Chapter has, in the past, been from $15 meeting registrations, donations at meetings, and donations into the little scholarship box, etc., as well as dues. We still have our dues, but we do not have the meeting revenue. To enable us to continue our program of support, each Alpha member is being asked to consider making a donation to the chapter. Consider what you would have done if you had registered for 4 meetings and contributed to the box and the envelope passed at the meeting. If you are able, a donation of $25 - $30 would allow us to continue our programs of support for: International Scholarship Fund, World Fellowship Fund, Golden Gift Fund, International Emergency Fund, UNICEF (Schools for Africa), Grant in Aid ("scholarship" fund for a high school senior).
You can make your contribution either by sending a check to Cathy Cleenput ( use the form above if you need her address) or by using the button below. To make the button work, you need to enter something where it says Alpha's Projects and then a dollar amount in the next box. If you send a check, please use the memo line on your check to indicate that this is a donation for our funds.
You can make your contribution either by sending a check to Cathy Cleenput ( use the form above if you need her address) or by using the button below. To make the button work, you need to enter something where it says Alpha's Projects and then a dollar amount in the next box. If you send a check, please use the memo line on your check to indicate that this is a donation for our funds.