Alpha Chapter Leaders 2024-2026
President, Laura Perrius
First Vice President, Joan Oehm
Second Vice President, Claire Swanson & Cynthia Sokoloff
Secretary, Evelyn Oberndorf
Treasurer, Cathy Cleenput
Parliamentarian, Theresa Maughan
Immediate Past President, Theresa Messenio
First Vice President, Joan Oehm
Second Vice President, Claire Swanson & Cynthia Sokoloff
Secretary, Evelyn Oberndorf
Treasurer, Cathy Cleenput
Parliamentarian, Theresa Maughan
Immediate Past President, Theresa Messenio
Committee Chairs
Society Business
Financial/Audit - Cathy Cleenput and Ann Calvin
Membership - Claire Swanson & Cynthia Sokoloff
Leadership/Professional Affairs - Megan Connolly
Celebration of Life (Necrology) - Cindy Sokoloff
Historical/Archives - Jan Paxton
Initiation - Suezette Given/Andrea Ritacco
Exhibits/Record Book - Laura Perrius
Nominations/Installation -
Rules/By-Laws - Claire Swanson
Yearbook - Cathy Cleenput
Communications - Jan Paxton
Society Mission and Purpose
Program Planning/Education Excellence - Joan Oehm
Scholarship - Suezette Given
Website - Jan Paxton
Newsletter - Jan Paxton
World Fellowship - Judy Jaeger and Helen Allen
Social - Jennie Villanueva/Suezette Given
Hospitality - Jameelah Wright
Grant-in Aid - Patti Caruso/ Emily Hoeflinger
Trustee of the Hoitsma Fund - Cynthia Sokoloff
Financial/Audit - Cathy Cleenput and Ann Calvin
Membership - Claire Swanson & Cynthia Sokoloff
Leadership/Professional Affairs - Megan Connolly
Celebration of Life (Necrology) - Cindy Sokoloff
Historical/Archives - Jan Paxton
Initiation - Suezette Given/Andrea Ritacco
Exhibits/Record Book - Laura Perrius
Nominations/Installation -
Rules/By-Laws - Claire Swanson
Yearbook - Cathy Cleenput
Communications - Jan Paxton
Society Mission and Purpose
Program Planning/Education Excellence - Joan Oehm
Scholarship - Suezette Given
Website - Jan Paxton
Newsletter - Jan Paxton
World Fellowship - Judy Jaeger and Helen Allen
Social - Jennie Villanueva/Suezette Given
Hospitality - Jameelah Wright
Grant-in Aid - Patti Caruso/ Emily Hoeflinger
Trustee of the Hoitsma Fund - Cynthia Sokoloff
For any questions, send your name and email and we'll get back to you.