Alpha Chapter is looking forward to our second “Between the Petals” event!
Our informal gathering will be creating blankets for Project Linus Alpha Chapter is looking forward to our second “Between the Petals” event! Our informal gathering will be creating blankets for Project Linus We will be knitting or crocheting the blankets. Newbies and experienced crafters are welcome! Jan is an exceptional teacher and will assist us newbies. We will be meeting on Saturday, November 23, at 10:00 A.M. at Jan’s lovely home (11 Fine Road, High Bridge 08829). We will be carpooling. Project Linus provides handmade blankets to children 0-18 in the United States who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. Jan checked the patterns on their website and there are several that are plenty easy enough for beginners, both knit and crochet. Most of the patterns require 30+ ounces of yarn, which is like 8 or 10 skeins. So, we will need lots of yarn. Jan has some crochet hooks and knitting needles that we can use. However, if you are bringing your own, they need to be sizes G, H, or L for crochet hooks and sizes 9 or 10 for knitting needles. The yarn needed is worsted weight (#4) although some are for Chunky. Laura is bringing 2 bags of yarn, knitting needles and crochet hooks from her mom's stash. Just like our last event, it is a BYOE (bring your own snacks, lunch, beverage, and dessert, etc.) Jan will have coffee, tea and water flowing! Hope to see you there! Cathy Cleenput Please RSVP to Cathy – [email protected] Once we have responses, we will organize the car pool. Comments are closed.